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Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st May 2002


In Tarves School at 7.30pm



1 - Present: Bob Davidson (Chair), John Thomson (Vice Chair), Sam Andrew, Dick Reville, Ian Massie, Colin Taylor, Jenny Wagstaff, Linda Mackie (minutes), Ros Deane


Also Present: Councillor Paul Johnston, Alison Leith (Ellon Advertiser), 3 members of the public


Apologies: Donny Chisholm, Karen Cooper-Bonner, Gordon Brown


2 - Waste Management Future Practices

Bob welcomed Jack Clark from Aberdeenshire Council’s Planning and Environmental Services Department. The following points were made:

When asked what was being done at government level to reduce packaging Mr Clark said that targets are already in place to encourage reduction, recycling and recovery of waste packaging but many companies pay another company to take responsibility for this. It would be beneficial if the government gave tax incentives to create demand for recycled material.

2 composting units are already in existence and it is hoped that a third will be built.

Bob thanked Mr Clark very much for coming to talk to us.


3 -Minutes of April Meeting


4 - Matters Arising


  1. Melvin Hall Noticeboard - no progress, but existing notice board is showing signs of wear. Sandy Davidson to attend to this.

  2. Potholes - Paul Johnston to ask for pothole in front of church to be attended to.

  3. Development within Conservation Area - Sean Norman has provided a document with gives details of acceptable development within a conservation area. Bob to copy this and put in the box.

  4. Ythsie Development - Karen to report to next meeting.

  5. Plans - Bob wrote to Bruce Stewart asking that plans be automatically emailed to relevant Community Councils but no response. There has been no response to Linda’s letter regarding labelling of planning applications for easier identification.

  6. Tourism Group are looking at a walk between Methlick, Gight and Fyvie. The group is still keen for something to be done in each area.

  7. Motor bikes are still a problem on the Old Aberdeen Road. Bob to speak to the police.

  8. ‘No dogs’ signs have been ordered for the play park.

  9. Castle trail sign at A920 crossroads with B999 still pointing the wrong way. Bob spoke to roads, Paul to speak to Bill Lennox.

  10. Project Grant money is dwindling.

  11. BBC Scotland fundraising scheme information to be looked at by Colin before the next meeting.

  12. Mill of Tolquhon right of way - Colin Millar has provided forms to be filled up by anyone who uses the path or has used it in the recent past. John Thomson has these forms.

  13. Dog Walk - it was suggested that a permanent beetle bank along the Manse Brae side of the glebe field would solve many of the problems. John Thomson to liaise with Colin Millar regarding safety and to see if a final solution can be reached.

  14. Planters in front of school have been planted but not adequately maintained. Amenity Group to liaise with school to offer advice on planting and maintenance.

  15. Skateboarders are to be discouraged from using the Old Aberdeen Road by erection of a railing at the Braiklay Avenue end, to be provided by the Council. There has been some criticism that this will ‘spoil their fun’ but children’s safety important. The survey done recently among the children in the village showed that there was not sufficient demand for a skate board park. It was again suggested that the old tennis court could be a possible site, if needed, but no decision made on how to progress this.

  16. Braiklay crossroads site visit date not yet set.


5 -Barthol Chapel Matters


6 - Village Orderley


Village Orderly post to be created for Tarves and Pitmedden for 6 months of the year. Members were asked to let Linda have their suggestions for Village Orderly duties before the end of the month so that she could pass these on to Keith Newton. It was suggested that 2 men covering 4 villages might make the job more attractive.


7 - Public Toilets


These are now open permanently and a key holder is needed to lock and unlock the building. Please give suggestions to Paul Johnston in the first instance.


8 - Conservation Area


Details of Tarves Conservation Area have been received from Sean Norman. These are to be copied and will be available from the Box.


9 - TRDA

Colin to report back to next meeting.


10- Roads, Paths and Signs

Most have already been dealt with, exceptions being those mentioned under matters arising, item 4


11- Village Notice Board

Has already been discussed.


12 -Planning Matters

It was suggested that a letter should be written to the Ombudsman detailing the Community Council’s disappointment with the way in which applications in or adjacent to the Conservation Area have been dealt. But it was decided that Bob should write to George Chree of Planning Department in the first instance, inviting him to future meeting to explain why little reference appears to have been made to planning guidelines, the conservation area, roads department regulations and Historic Scotland in considering planning applications. Also it was felt that the lack of detail and poor access to plans should be brought to his attention. And with the future developments at the Old Bakery and the Smiddy, both of which are in the conservation area, it was felt that a full explanation of what is and is not acceptable in a conservation area should be sought.

It was brought to the Community Council’s attention that the plans approved in 1995 for plot 1 (a copy is attached) were for a house almost identical to the one next door - Eastfield. The planning officers make reference to these papers but no mention is made that the current plans vary greatly from the original ones, the only similarity being the use of wet harl.


12 -Reports


13- Correspondence


14 - AOCB



The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on Tuesday 18th June 2002 at 7.30pm in the school. Meetings are always open to the public.