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Tarves Community Council

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 18th May 2004

In Tarves School at 7.30pm


Members Present

Bob Davidson (Chair), John Thomson, Gordon Brown, Keith Crichton, Sam Andrew, Ian Massie, David Leslie, Colin Taylor, Dick Reville, Jim Mennie (Barthol Chapel).

Non-Members present

Emma Cameron (minutes sec), and one member of the public.


Linda Mackie (Sec.) and Councillor Paul Johnston.

Minutes of Previous Meeting ( 20th April 2004 )

Minutes were proposed for approval by Ian and seconded by Gordon , with all members in agreement.


Matters Arising

  1. Christmas Lights – The formal hand over of the lights has not yet been confirmed.

  2. Recycle Site – No further funding for screening.

  3. Scotia Homes – Work has started on tiding up the open areas at Oakwood Park. 

  4. Rural Development. -   Bob submitted comments in time, but did not have them to hand for this meeting, will supply copy at next meeting.

  5. Local Plan – Confirmation of CC objections was sent in and a confirmation of receipt was received.  No timetable is yet available.

  6. Dog Bins – Gordon to continue to monitor Tree Road and report to next meeting.

  7. Dog Walk – Ian to take care of the fencing, it was suggested a “kissing gate” for opposite the Kirk.  The area would benefit from an official exit sign.  An A4 Laminated sign is a possibility to discourage users from exiting onto B999 beside Old Manse.


Police Matters (no Police present)

  1. Vans which are awaiting repair have been parked long term in The Square. They are, however, taxed and MOT’d and as a result the Police are not keen to pursue this despite one not having an engine. Residents have been complaining to various members. To avoid this in the future it was suggested that a sign “No Commercial Vehicles Parked Overnight” be displayed in the square.  Bob to look into the possibility of this.


Barthol Chapel Matters

  1. The new village signs are good; however, the 30mph signs have been placed too near to the village on the West side coming from St Katherine ’s.  This needs to be addressed quickly as cars are approaching the village too quickly. Bob to follow this up. The village boundary has now been extended to include the old Shop, yet the new signs have moved the opposite direction. 

  2. A Committee of 8 is being formed to examine the possibility of using the Kirk as a multi-purpose facility.

  3. Arrangements are being made for Flower Tubs for Barthol Chapel.

  4. Viewfield up to Committee possibility of June 2004. Letter from Community Association not received by CC yet.

 Councillor’s Report (postponed till next meeting)


Matters Outstanding

  1. Braiklay Crossroads is still requiring addition road markings.  Possible shortage of give way signs. 

  2. All Weather Court Paul to discuss at next meeting.

  3. Bus Shelter – No response.  Paul to discuss at next meeting.

  4. Bakery – Nothing known.  Concern has been expressed over the state of the Bakery.  As the bakery is in the Conservation Area the owner is duty bound to keep it in a reasonable state of repair.  Failing this the Council have the powers to take further action.

  5. Street Lights – The lights in the Square are still intermittent.  Bob has sent an Email and it is understood someone has been out to look at the lights.

  6. Skatepark – Do not have the details of how far things have progressed.  It is understood that they have spoken with a local contractor but no further information known.  Colin to find out.

  7. Railings at the bridge on the approach to Tarves are to be replaced in the new budget year; hopefully this should be done soon.

  8. Rights of Appeal – Sam suggested a sub-committee be formed to discuss the issues contained in the document.  Sam volunteered along with Bob , Dick and David .  Bob to arrange a date and time.  The document needs to be replied to by July 04.

  9. David Murray , Architect – discussing housing requirements in Tarves. Members may be invited to discuss the principal of housing on Sites included in finalised ALP, Bob to check with Linda and Paul . 1/6/04 may be a suitable date.


Committee Reports

Joint Rural Funding – Meeting attended by John .


Roads, Paths and Signs

  1. Duthie Road 20mph limit – Paul to update at next meeting.

  2. Hole in the road at the bottom of Tolquhon Castle road, just up from the junction with B999.  A member of the public brought up the issue of traffic speed on this road together with the hazard of no passing places.  Bob to follow this up with Bill Lennox at A.C.


Planning Matters

  1. Backgreens Steading– Application to include dormer and access roof space. No concerns expressed by members present.

  2. Kirk Brae – Outline app. for1 house within Conservation Area and village boundary. Site now smaller due to boundaries being marked wrongly on original plans.  Temporary road through field now proposed for delivering building materials etc. to the site.  Still no details of drainage.  No details regarding reinstating temporary road area once house has been completed.  Members and Neighbours still have concerns re access and removal of trees, hedging and prominence on the elevated site and lack of detail.


  1. Brochure tackling antisocial behaviour.


  1. There is no funding for a high fence requested by a resident to protect the private garden adjacent to the play area in Tolquhon Avenue .

  2. Individuals should report any dog fouling incidents to the Dog Warden directly.


Date of next meeting is Tuesday 20th June 2004 at 7.30 pm in Tarves School .  Community Council meetings are always open to the public.