Tarves Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday 19th June 2007

In Barthol Chapel School at 7.30pm


  1. Members Present: Councillors R.Davidson, (Chair and Minutes), J. Boughey, I. Massie, B. McPetrie, C. Taylor, and J. Thomson.

  2. Non Members Present:AC Councillors J. Gifford, P. Johnston, also Steve Pratt and Iain Clark, (Grampian Police, Ellon) and 3 members of the public.

  3. Apologies: Councillors S. Andrew, G. Brown, K. Crichton, D. Leslie, D. Reville and AC Cllrs. A. Hendry, J. Loveday

  4. Motion – A formal notice of motion had been posted (along with agendas for this meeting) to formally co-opt Barbara McPetrie as a member of TCC. This motion was carried and Barbara was welcomed onto the Council. Bob to inform Area Manager.

  5. Police Report – Inspector Pratt introduced PC Iain Clark from Ellon who is now the Community Beat Officer for Tarves, Barthol Chapel and Methlick areas. Steve reported that crime figures for the area for priority crimes were low. On the A947, 40 people had been charged recently with speeding and other motoring offences. Discussion and concern re diversion routes for when an accident blocks this road – Steve and Iain to look into this, to avoid two way traffic using minor routes around Barthol Chapel. Pub Watch scheme now includes both hostelries in Tarves. Public meeting re Call/Service centre went well with a number of improvements agreed. Police to monitor residents parking in Mackie Avenue after complaints. Cllr Johnston to liaise with Steve re all weather court lights repairs funding.

  6. Minutes of Previous Meeting (15th May 2007) Minutes were proposed by John and seconded by Colin, with all members in agreement.

  7. Barthol Chapel Matters

    1. Roads – Road junction at Balgove still requires repairs. Bob will contact Roads.

    2. Village Enhancement Grant – Both Bob and Dick had this year, again explained to BCCA reps the procedure for applying for this. Unfortunately the decision was taken to apply direct and the application was returned to TCC for ratification, causing unnecessary delay in the grant being made. TCC members agreed to support the application.

    3. BCCA Correspondence - Still no written response from BCCA to the letter from TCC Bob has written again and Jonathan reported that this had been discussed and a formal response would be sent in due course. BCCA are aware that correspondence to TCC will now be via BCCA rep or TCC Postbox. Informal letters received by TCC members to their home address which are neither to TCC nor from BCCA are not formally reported at meetings. The Chair had received such a letter from Mackie Bruce. BCCA have requested a copy of TCC constitution, which Chair will send.

  8. Matters arising (from minutes)

    1. Mackie Avenue Affordable Housing – Greig Munro to review the new information re costings and the figures from the Housing in Ballater. Paul to progress this.

    2. Bakery – Area Manager agreed to get a response from Planners. Still no response from Jane Whyte – No progress on response, Bob to write again to Area manager.

    3. Bus Lay-by, Shelters in Square – Bob has contacted John Shinnie PTU who has agreed to liaise with Roads re bollards. It was suggested that a wide Disabled space could be made nearest the new Bus Shelter and a rail erected which would double as a barrier to protect shelter as well as to house the Disabled space signs. This was agreed – Bob to contact Roads and PTU

    4. Car Parking Opposite School – Draft plans for lines were discussed, it was agreed that yellow lines would be needed either side of zig zags (at Bakery and Tolquhon Ave. junction). – Bob to write to Roads.

    5. Legal Contacts – Leask House - Paul to find out a contact with experience in Trust Law. John to contact Arthur re. getting the books to members.

    6. All Weather Court - Lights need repaired – Landscape Services and Education and Recreation disagree who is responsible – Area Manager to sort out.

    7. Cardboard Recycling – Bin emptying frequency appears to have improved.

    8. Community Newsletter (TBC News) – First edition now available - articles etc to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves or tbc@tarves.org.uk

    9. The Hut (Zone 98) - Confirmation of insurance arrangements awaited from Neil. – Colin to pursue this and grant applications from Area Top Up. Open Day on 2nd June went well with a sum of money being raised, which may be used for decoration.

    10. Mid Formartine Ward – AC Cllrs have still to rectify the problem of who attends each CC meeting.

    11. School Extension – AC Local members to lobby for this to be prioritised as a matter of urgency, due to the condition of the Horsa hut building.

    12. PUT - Scheme proving popular, received grant from Formartine Partnership.

  9. Matters Outstanding

    1. Noticeboard - Dick currently coating with preservative. Ian has brackets.

    2. Tarves Website - Keith to liaise with potential helper and Web group.

    3. Glebe Field - Fencing – Bob still to speak to farmer re moving gate down to opposite cemetery entrance.

  10. Councillor Johnston’s Report

    1. All Weather Court - Paul has had agreement from Area Manager to conclude who is responsible for maintenance. 

    2. New Bus shelter for Duthie Road has now been installed.

    3. Mackie Ave Housing – Paul to meet with architect to ensure he has new info and completed documents for AC in due course.

    4. Wind Turbines Hearing Meeting – This seemed to go fairly well

  11. Committee Reports

    1. Formartine Partnership / Board – John had attended both meetings. Youth Transport Grants - funds are almost all used. Presentations from Making Meldrum Better and Woodhead SSI. Village Enhancement Grant app from Barthol Chapel Community Association - passed to TCC to approve and return.

    2. CDG - Colin attended meeting, Summer programme circulated. Various programmes and schemes funded inc Youth work. Concern re clarity of accounts at CDG

    3. CC Forum – Bob attended – presentation by AC Landscape Services who are now responsible for road verge cutting. Discussion on weed spraying etc.

  12. Planning Matters

    1. Interim Apps – dealt with by Planning Sub Committee; - 

      1. Bede House – Various changes to Dwellinghouse and Garage – No Comment, 

      2. Old Bank Duthie Rd. – Internal Alts – No comment, 

      3. Craigie Croft Revised Plans showing reuse of granite quoins in new house – No comment.

    2. Wind Turbines Site visits and Hearing now completed, should be at FAC soon.

    3. The Grange, Duthie Road – Appeal – It would appear that the Public Enquiry element has been cancelled, reason not known yet. Will continue by written submissions.

    4. Old Balgove – FPP for Alts and Ext to Dwellinghouse – resolved to write asking for final design to be in line with policy for extensions.

    5. Mosshead Steading –FPP for conversion to Dwellinghouse – Supportive of principle of conversions thus initially no comments - however it was later resolved to respond seeking use of traditional materials in line with similar application responses.

    6. Canach, Little Ythsie – FPP Replacement Dwellinghouse – It was reported that amended Plans would be soon be available showing some design amendments.

    7. Little Ythsie – RMA for 4 Dwellinghouses – Site 1 appears to have 2 separate applications currently. Awaiting clarification from Planning.

    8. Decision Notices for approval received for Little Meldrum- FPP for Ext. to Telecoms mast Ancillary Development, Tanglewood, Craigdam – Erection of Garden Shed, Bede House – various changes to Dwellinghouse and Garage.

  13. Roads, Paths and Signs

    1. Recycling sign still awaited.

    2. Braiklay Croft housing – street names now agreed – Duthie Webster and Tillygonnie.

    3. Raxton to Sonach - needs upgrading, particularly drainage issue – Response awaited.

  14. Correspondence

    1. Letter from Reverend Isabel Buchan. Bob to seek clarification.

    2. Maryville, Haddo Lane. No further info. A meeting was hosted by site owners which Dick and AC Cllr Hendry attended. Members agreed to invite owners to a future meeting to seek clarification on proposals. It was agreed that given the site constraints most members disagree with the principle of having a dwellinghouse sited there.

    3. Scheme for Establishment of CC’s – Sam to review for next meeting.

    4. Old Tennis Court, School Lane – Proposal to lease for car sales – it was agreed that the suggested fees were inadequate. Bob to contact garage owners

    5. PUT - Letter from Tarves resident re possible siting of trailer for material to be composted. Paul to respond directly.

    6. Craigie Croft – Chair had been contacted by applicant who was concerned at timescale for work commencing. Chair explained that revised plans had not been received from Planning and as such no response could be made.

  15. Recycling and Waste Issues – 

    1. Guides and information pamphlets for display locally – Given to BC for noticeboard, Bob to request more for Tarves.

  16. AOCB

    1. Prop of Ythsie – Maintenance - Keith Newton looking into budget issues – no update. Possibility of grant from landfill/landraise tax scheme – Paul to enquire.

    2. Little Park - Fence Repairs It was suggested that a top rail should be fitted to lengthen the lifespan of the existing fence. Also Goalposts have been removed – Paul to progress.


The above minutes were approved at T.C.C. meeting on Tuesday 24th July 2007 in Melvin Hall, Tarves.

Robert P. Davidson



The next meeting is on Tuesday 21st August 2007 in Tarves School

at 7. 30 pm.


Community Council meetings are always open to the public.



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