Tarves Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday 24th July 2007

In Melvin Hall, Tarves at 7.30pm



  1. Members Present:

    Councillors S Andrew, G Brown, R Davidson, (Chair and Minutes), D Leslie, B McPetrie, D Reville, C Taylor, and J Thomson.

  2. Non Members Present:

    AC Councillors J. Gifford, A. Hendry, P. Johnston, J. Loveday and 2 members of the public.

  3. Apologies:

    C Councillors J. Boughey, K. Crichton, I. Massie and Iain Clark (Ellon Police).

  4. Minutes of Previous Meeting (19th June 2007)

    Minutes were proposed by John and seconded by Barbara, with all members in agreement.

  5. Barthol Chapel Matters

    1. Roads – Road junction at Balgove still requires repairs. This has been reported.

    2. Village Enhancement Grant – John to report to Formartine Partnership that Tarves CC support the Barthol Chapel application.

    3. BCCA Correspondence – Response now received. Chair to reply.

  6. Matters arising (from minutes)

    1. Mackie Avenue Affordable Housing – Info almost completed informal members meeting to finalise soon.

    2. Bakery – Area Manager agreed to get a response from Planners. Still no response from Jane Whyte – No progress on response, Area manager not responding.

    3. Bus Lay-by, Shelters in Square – Bob has contacted John Shinnie PTU who has agreed to liaise with Roads re bollards. No progress to date.

    4. Car Parking Opposite School – Plans and Traffic order for restrictions discussed at FAC is now out for formal consultation. Members supportive of plans to improve road safety at School and alleviate problems when bus parked.

    5. Leask House - John to contact Arthur re. getting the books to members.

    6. All Weather Court - Lights need repaired – Area Manager confirmed that Landscape Services are responsible and he has asked for work to be done.

    7. Community Newsletter (TBC News) – Next deadline 17th August - articles etc to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves or tbc@tarves.org.uk

    8. The Hut (Zone 98) - Confirmation of insurance arrangements awaited from Neil. – Colin to pursue this and grant applications from Area Top Up.

    9. Mid Formartine Ward – AC Cllrs have still to rectify the problem of who attends each CC meeting.

    10. School Extension – AC Local members to lobby for this to be prioritised as a matter of urgency, due to the condition of the Horsa hut building.

    11. Scheme for Establishment of CC’s – Sam reviewed – under 18s can now become members with no voting rights. It was agreed to ask The Hut if they would wish to select reps to attend CC meetings if they wish on an informal basis. CT to action.

    12. Recycling and Waste Issues – Guides and information pamphlets for display locally – Additional info awaited

    13. Noticeboard - Dick currently coating with preservative. Ian has brackets.

    14. Tarves Website - Keith to liaise with potential helper and Web group.

    15. Glebe Field - Fencing – Bob still to speak to farmer re moving gate down to opposite cemetery entrance.

  7. Local Member’s Report

    1. All Weather Court - Paul has had agreement from Area Manager re who is responsible for maintenance. .

    2. Wind Turbines (FAC) Sites approved at Courtstone (with conditions), Balgove and Hattonslap rejected. All approved apps (Courtstone, Denhill and Haddo) referred to ISC.

    3. Working Group has been set up to assess the cumulative effect of wind turbines in Aberdeenshire.

    4. Aberdeen Scotch Meat Factory - Planning appeal meeting now been held, Reporter should decide soon. There are issues for Employment land throughout the area if appeal allowed.

    5. PUT Proving very popular – processed 35 tons so far.

  8. Planning Matters

    1. 6 Kirk Brae – New Rooflights Conservation style – no comments.

    2. 50 Pringle Ave, Old Manse and 39 Mackie Ave - all FPP for Alts and Ext. No comments.

    3. Maryville Cottage, Haddo Lane – FPP for erection of Dwellinghouse DR declared an interest and took no part in the debate. Members resolved to formally object for numerous reasons including overdevelopment of site. Site visit to be requested. - Chair to draft response.

    4. Land to South of Duthie Rd. OPP for Erection of 15 Houses. SA declared an interest and took no part in the debate. Members resolved to formally object to this application for numerous reasons including site being outwith the boundary and app is premature. Chair to draft response.

    5. Interim apps dealt by sub committee;-

    6. Mains of Tolquhon Steading conversions – Drainage info awaited, no objections, agreed to write to AC seeking developer contributions for more passing places etc on access road. .

    7. Tarves FC New Sign - No Comments

  9. Roads, Paths and Signs

    1. Recycling point - directional sign still awaited.

    2. Raxton to Sonach road - needs upgrading, particularly drainage issues All Mid Formartine members to pursue this.

    3. Braiklay Ave - sign needs replaced after being damaged some time ago. P.J. to pursue

    4. Stuart Crescent – Overhanging tree – G.B. to contact AC.

    5. Smiddyhill/Cairnbrogie crossroads Sign needed to depict Oldmeldrum – Bob to action.

    6. Ythsie/B999 junction – Roads are to request landscaping and consider pushing for a lay-by to improve safety for 2 way traffic

  10. Correspondence

    1. BCCA – Letter agreeing to communication improvements – Bob to respond.

    2. Letter from Reverend Isabel Buchan. No further action required.

    3. Maryville, Haddo Lane. Application now live – inappropriate to contact applicants.

    4. Old Tennis Court, School Lane – Proposal to lease for car sales – it was agreed that the suggested fees were inadequate. Bob to contact garage owners

    5. PUT - Letter from Tarves resident re possible siting of trailer for material to be composted. Paul to respond directly. Craigie Croft – No comments made.

    6. Tarves School. Chair has contacted all Mid Formartine members to request that they discuss the issue of the School extension as a matter of urgency.

    7. Roads – Meldrum – Pitmedden road to be closed for works.

    8. Letter from Richard Baker MSP.

    9. Environmental Health – Letter re Travellers – Dick to review

    10. RTPI – Meeting on 4th Sept,Dick (1), to review

    11. Community Planning, David (2) to review

    12. AC Public Performance Report – Barbara (3) to review.

    13. Recycling and Waste info - Bob has requested more copies.

  11. AOCB

    1. Prop of Ythsie – Maintenance - Keith Newton looking into budget issues – still no update. No Possibility of grant from landfill/landraise tax scheme.

    2. Little Park Fence Repairs - New fence now erected using galv weldmesh. Also Goalposts have been removed – Paul to progress return.

    3. Village Enhancement Grant – It was agreed to apply for this for Village gateway signs.

    4. FAC Reports – Letter from Committee Officer stating that papers would no longer be sent to CC as a matter of routine. They can be viewed online instead. It was queried why no discussion at CC forum had taken place on this. Area Chairman and elected members unaware of the proposed changes. Action – All Mid Formartine Members.


The above minutes were approved at TCC meeting on Tuesday 21st August 07 in Tarves School.


Robert P. Davidson



Community Council meetings are always open to the public.



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