Council main page| Dates of 2007 Meetings| Minutes of MeetingsMinutes of Last Meeting

Tarves Community Council


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 17th June 2008
In Barthol Chapel School at 7.30pm.

Members Present:
S Andrew, J Boughey, R Davidson (Chair), D Leslie, I Massie, B McPetrie, R Reville, C Taylor and J Thomson,

Also Present:

AC Councillors J Gifford, A Hendry, P Johnston and J Loveday, Lord Haddo, Mark Andrew, John Cooper, J. Benton and 3 members of the public.

G Brown, D Beattie, Norma Dougall (Minutes Secretary) and Inspector Pratt.

  1. Pre- Application Consultation – Keithfield - Mark Andrew and John Cooper outlined the proposal to relocate and expand existing smokehouse business in Methlick to Mains of Keithfield, Tarves, next to the existing industrial unit. Also for Erection of Restaurant/Retail unit adjacent to Keithfield Lodge B999/B9170 junction. Potential to further develop to include walks around Keithfield Lake and into Haddo. Customers of the Restaurant will be able to tour the Smokehouse and see the process before sampling the produce. Members were generally supportive but could not formally comment until the full details are available.
  2. Planning Application at Redmoss Several members of the public local to Redmoss expressed their serious concerns at the current application for a new house, Stables, Cattery and Kennels on land at Redmoss. Members agreed to take on board their concerns when considering the application.
  3. Police Report:-Inspector Pratt reported by e-mail that all was quiet in Tarves and that the Mobile unit had been in the village. He is keen to get feedback on this initiative. Members were supportive of the increased presence in the village.
  4. Minutes of Previous Meeting (15th April 2008)
    Minutes proposed by Ian Massie and seconded by Colin Taylor, with all members in agreement.
  5. Barthol Chapel Matters.
    1. J Boughey reported there had been temporary repairs to the roads using loose laid tar until proper repairs are actioned. BCCA will progress village enhancement app and return to TCC for approval.


  6. Matters Arising from Minutes
    1. All Weather Court \ 2 lights now ok, 2 still to be seen to \ Colin has seen electrician, work to be done soon\ still to do \ Colin to chase
    2. Community Newsletter (TUC News) - articles, etc. to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves, or email
      School Extension :- Awaiting update
  7. Matters Outstanding
    1. Noticeboards - Braiklay Ave recently vandalised - Material has now been sourced - this work is now imminent

  8. Roads. Paths and Signs
    1. Tree Road potholes have been semi repaired with a view to full repairs later
    2. Disabled spaces in Square - Roads dept. are to redo markings in Square and make a new space on B999 beside shop, which could also serve the Hall.
  9. Correspondence
    1. B999 closure – Road to be closed for repair work – notice already in main notice board.
    2. Info on Responsible access to the Countryside.
    3. Post Watch – Consultation of Post Office closures.
    4. Donation from Ellon Rotary – to go to Christmas lights fund.
    5. Aberdeen University- Consultation on E-Coli risks – Barbara to review.
    6. Local Plan Consultation, 
    7. AC info on Licensing.
    8. AC Insurance for CCfs info. – A report is to go to FAC following investigation of the issues surrounding the mass resignation of Belhelvie CC. Following this there should be discussion at CC Forum.
    9. Western Peripheral Route/B999 link. Comprehensive answer from FAC awaited.
    10. Bakery – e-mail from Raymond Reid – He is sending an Inspector out to visit site and is also coming out himself to visit the site before commenting further.
    11. Aberdeenshire Council – Data Protection Act – Chair written Malcolm Bruce MP regarding annual costs
    12. Assoc. of C Councils – Consultation Draft of New Constitution – S Andrew to respond
    13. Aberdeenshire Council – Area Manager correspondence – he wishes to attend a meeting to discuss Mains of Tolquhon lay –bys. Members agreed the best option would be for Mr. Newton to correspond with Cllr Hendry as Mr. Newton appeared to have an unusual version of the events at FAC re this application - Chair to reply.
  10. Committee Reports
    1. Formartine Partnership – Rural Transport grants available, Oral History info.
    2. Haddo Regeneration – Comprehensive report now finalised.
  11. Planning Matters
    1. 24 Marquis Cotts. – FPP for Erection of Dwellinghouse in garden ground.- Members generally supportive subject to suitable access being created and complying with daylight policies to not affect Hanover Court.
    2. Redmoss Farm - OPP for Erection of Dwellinghouse, Cattery and Stables. After discussion members resolved to object to this application due to narrow access road, no business being on site and potential drainage and amenity issues.
    3. Auquhorthies Croft, Ladyleys – alt & ext to dwellinghouse – CC waiting on revised Plans
    4. Duthie Road – J. Benton left plans for CC info re Care Home, Business centre and residential development.
    5. Decision Notices (All approved) for Craigdam Cott, 12 Murray Ave and Nardayle Barthol Chapel.
  12. AOCB
    1. South Ythsie Landraise - - working on at present
      Lights in Square: - It was agreed to use Village enhancement grant towards replacing lights in Square. Dick, Sam to progress.
    2. Dog Warden's Number – (Maureen Adam) – 01467 628683 Mobile \ 07771 941982
    3. Housing Land Audit Consultation - Chair to check factory site included in figures when Tarves amount counted
    4. Government Draft Community Council Scheme – Sam etc to review
    5. C.C. looking into hiring Planner to draw up plans for the future for housing in Tarves – to enable Community ideas included.
    6. Mr. J. Benton – Indicated that plans had been submitted for Care Home, Business Centre and 15 Houses plus affordable but AC had not validated them.
    7. Mackie Avenue Housing – Tarves Affordable Housing – Paul reported that forming a Trust would be a way of avoiding any concerns that had been expressed. To be discussed further at next meeting.


Next Meeting on Tuesday 22nd July 2008 in Melvin Hall, Tarves at 7.30pm.

Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public.


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