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Tarves Community Council


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 20th May 2008
In Tarves School at 7.30pm.

Members Present:
R Davidson (Chair), C Taylor, I Massie, S Andrew, D Beattie and J Boughey

Non Members Present

Councillor J Gifford, Inspector Pratt, Arthur Simmers, Mr Benton and Norma Dougall (Minutes Secretary).

  1. Apologies:
    B McPetrie, G Brown, D Leslie, John Thomson, D Reville and Councillors P Johnston, J Loveday and A Hendry.

  2. Police Report: Inspector Pratt was pleased to report no incidents in the area. Community Officer I Clark. with the Mobile Police Station will be in the area soon. PC Clark will be in attendance for all queries or help required.

  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (15th April 2008)
    Minutes proposed by Ian Massie and seconded by Colin Taylor, with all members in agreement.

  4. Barthol Chapel Matters. J Boughey reported there had been temporary repairs to the roads using loose laid tar until proper repairs are actioned.

  5. Matters Arising from Minutes

    1. All Weather Court \ 2 lights now ok, 2 still to be seen to \ Colin has seen electrician, work to be done soon\ still to do \ Colin to chase

    2. Community Newsletter (TUC News) - articles, etc. to be sent to Moira Allan, 36 Bede Way, Tarves, or email

    3. School Extension :- A meeting was held, the extension to be all on one floor - various options were discussed –i.e. kitchen only – or kitchen + replacing toilets including a provision for a disabled toilet – this would all depend on costs and revenue available..

  6. Matters Outstanding

    1. Noticeboards - Braiklay Ave recently vandalised - Material has now been sourced - this work is now imminent

  7. Roads. Paths and Signs

    1. Bob has written to Chief Executive re state of roads and time taken to repair \ Chair received reply – They didn't think road or Square was too bad and would do random patching. 

    2. Bob also wrote to Aberdeen City Council about Denmore Junction - if it could be widened – Reply received saying they had taken note.

    3. Chair is writing again – although there has been some road repairs, Tree Road is still full of holes, also holes at top entrance of Car Park in the Square

    4. Disabled spaces in Square \ Roads dept. are assessing provision currently –Chair to write – see if we can have a space provided on Main Road at side of shop.

  8. Correspondence

    1. AC Insurance for CCs info. – Queries to be discussed at next Forum Meeting

    2. Western Peripheral RouteJB999. Reply received to Public question\ didnft answer the question asked, Comprehensive answer from FAC awaited.

    3. Bakery – e-mail from Raymond Reid – He is sending an Inspector out to visit site and is also coming out himself to visit the site before commenting further.-

    4. Aberdeenshire Community Mediation Service – offering presentation service – Chair responding.

    5. Aberdeenshire Council – Data Protection Act – Chair writing to MP regarding costs . Assoc. of C Councils – Consultation Draft of New Constitution – S Andrew to respond. 

    6. Viewpoint – Home Safety Survey.

    7. NHS – Grampian - Copy of Action Plan

    8. Town & Country Planning – Appeal 19th June 08 – at Maryville.

    9. Aberdeenshire Council – Chair received letter from Area Manager. This referred to correspondence between CC and Local members regarding provision of two lay-bys on Tolquhon road. It had been reported that Planners were to re negotiate with applicant, however it was unclear if this happened. Members agreed that there was no requirement for Area manager to intervene in correspondence between CCs and Local members and that there was a need for AC to provide a CC liaison officer rather than overseeing CC correspondence. Chair to reply.

  9. Planning Matters

    1. Mains of Auquhorthies - conversion of steading to dwelling house - acceptable 

    2. Muiryfold, Old Meldrum – change of use from agricultural land to equestrian and Formation of manθge - acceptable.

    3. Craigie, Ythanbank – new garage/workshop - acceptable

    4. Mormon, Tolquhon Ave. Tarves – demolition of existing workshops/stores and erect New garage and three dwelling houses with integral garages - acceptable.

    5. Chair writing suggesting amendment for parking Spaces.

    6. Red Moss Farm – agricultural building - acceptable

    7. 14 Murray Ave. Tarves – new ext. - acceptable

    8. Nardayle, Barthol Chapel – conservatory - acceptable

    9. The Cottage, Auquhorthies – change of use from agricultural to domestic –acceptable.

    10. Hardford, Barthol Chapel – proposed conversion of steading – acceptable suggest separate soakaway and septic tank.

    11. Auquhorthies Croft, Ladyleys – alt & ext to dwellinghouse – CC waiting on revised Plans

    12. Planning – Decision Notices – All Approved

    13. North Flobbets – Am

    14. Redmoss Cottage

    15. Auchnieve – cattle shedended design to dwellinghouse

    16. Wedderlairs Croft – alt & ext

    17. Tree Cottage, Tolquhon – ext

    18. Newseat Cottage – alt & ext

    19. Dinneswood, Tarves – erection of new house (with conditions)

  10. AOCB

    1. South Ythsie Landraise - - working on at present
      Lights in Square :- Mr Newton replied to J Thomsonfs letter and suggested using Village enhancement grant towards replacing lights in Square. Chair looking into

    2. Dog Warden's Number – (Maureen Adam) – 01467 628683 Mobile \ 07771 941982

    3. Mr Simmers – called in to update CC on the proposed wind turbines at Cairnbrogie/Craigie area – talks are on going and technical consultations are incomplete. He will keep CC informed.

    4. Chair read out email from P Johnston regarding new Website – Creation Tarves email address – Small increase in cost and asking for CC to approach Heritage regarding there websites update to follow.

    5. Chair was informed that although the phone boxes in Tarves are safe at the moment – the phone box in Methlick is to be removed – Get in touch with your Local Councillor if you wish to complain.

    6. CC still waiting on Post Office closure list

    7. Housing Land Audit Consultation - Chair to check factory site included in figures when Tarves amount counted.

    8. Government Draft Community Council Scheme – Sam etc to review

    9. C.C. looking into hiring Planner to draw up plans for the future for housing in Tarves – to enable Community ideas included.

    10. Mr. J. Benton – addressed the meeting – he had lodged part of his proposal for Private & Affordable Houses to Planning – Council had declined outline application – they would not validate application – he had pursued matter as he said it was breach of Planning Act – they then validated a few days later –then declined application.

    11. He was informed there was no shortfall in Housing Land Supply. Mr Benton required early approval of his scheme to have the funds he had negotiated for the affordable housing released. He is now going ahead with building houses, but no affordable homes

    12. Chair is getting in touch to see if any agreement can be reached.

    13. Mackie Avenue Housing – Tarves Affordable Housing –

    14. Chair has received a response from Janelle Clark regarding the above –

    15. Although this has been pursued for about six years now and a grant was received for preparation work for Architects drawings three years ago – the letter states they are supportive on Project – require clarification on how the Project would be owned and managed –up to date costings etc and if the Project didn't meet approval or go ahead any Money that had been received towards Architect Fees etc would have to be paid back to Council Chair writing back stating very disappointed with response, especially after years of consultations and work involved. He is asking for the clause removed about paying back grant and also asking for a quick response


  11. Next Meeting on Tuesday 17th June 2008 in Barthol Chapel School at 7.30pm


Community Council Meetings are always open to the Public.


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