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Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 21st September 2004 

In Vestry, Barthol Chapel Church at 7.00pm


Change of venue; 

Due to the School at Barthol Chapel being locked (Jim had made a booking) the meeting was moved to the Church, this being the only alternative available at short notice.

Members Present:

Bob Davidson (Chair), Gordon Brown, Dick Reville (Treasurer), Linda Mackie (Secretary), Colin Taylor, Ian Massie, Jim Mennie (Barthol Chapel representative), Sam Andrew, David Leslie, Keith Crichton and John Thomson (Vice Chair), 

Non Members Present:

Councillor Paul Johnston, Emma Cameron (Minute Secretary), 1 member of the public.


Ian Massie for late arrival

Minutes of Meeting ( 20th July 2004 )

Minutes were proposed for approval by Gordon and seconded by Keith, with all members in agreement. The approval of these minutes having been delayed as not all members had copies at the Aug meeting.


Minutes of Previous Meeting ( 17th August 2004 )

Minutes were proposed for approval by John and seconded by Sam, with all members in agreement.


Matters Arising

  1. Christmas Lights – Dick telephoned, still awaiting a response.

  2. Recycle Site – Paul to inquire about screen fencing.  Keith Newton is already aware of this request and will get back to Paul.

  3. Dog Walk – In hand, action point.

  4. Bakery chimney cans – Colin has left a message, but not seen the current owner.  Redevelopment plans are reported to have been submitted this week.

  5. Street Lights – Still have a few lights around the Square coming on at odd times, fault seems intermittent.

  6. Vans in Square – Aberdeenshire Council and the Police had been involved in getting the abandoned vans moved from the Square.  1 is currently parked in Tree Road and would need to display lights at night.  Inspector Pratt of Ellon Police states that he may not take this further as residents currently park on the pavement in Tree Road and he would have to apply the law to both.  Where the van is currently parked it may be causing an obstruction at the exit from the lane from Marquis Cottages.

  7. Bus Stop/lay-by – Bob still to speak to residents.

  8. 20mph limit signs ( Duthie Rd etc. ) – On the programme

  9. Heritage Group – Next meeting on 5/10/04 . The subject of renaming rural roads will be somewhere on their agenda.

  10. Code of Conduct: Deferred to next C.C. forum meeting on 27th October, Bob to contact Keith Newton – input needed from Association of Community Councils so Linda to send them an electronic copy of the draft Code of Conduct.

  11. Local Planning Meeting – Attended by Jim, John and Dick and generally very well attended.  Ideas were taken from this meeting to include in the next Area Plan. A Rothienorman businessman spoke about encouraging businesses into rural areas.  Use of industrial workshops in Aberdeen .  Alan Cameron from Ellon spoke about looking at setting up shared offices to work around travelling issues.  Teleworking was not an area explored.  The issue of the Council using more environmentally friendly materials was also raised, together with there being a knowledge centre within the council to assist those building and developing properties.

  12. Tourist Group – Meeting being held in the Aberdeen Arms on 27/9/04 where the prizes will be awarded in the photographic competition.


Police Matters (no police present)

Barthol Chapel Matters

  1. No response regarding the planning application for Viewfield and further details on this have not been received.  It is being held up as additional questions are being asked of the applicants.

  2. Bus Shelter – Due to be erected imminently.  Aberdeenshire Council officer came out to check but he was unaware a building warrant had already been applied for and received.

  3. Unclassified road near Gateside to Mill of Keithfield via Over Woodhill.  There are a number of deep holes in this road.  It is a private road with rights of access and is not adopted by the Council.  The maintenance of the road is the responsibility of the residents living there.  The Council will only consider taking back responsibility for the road if it is brought back up to Council standard first.

  4. 30 mph signs were replaced and combined with the village name sign.  Barthol Chapel Association should apply in addition to the TCC to have the 30mph sign area extended.


Councillor’s Report

  1. Skate Park – Estimate from the Council is around £25,000.  Ian Rennie has proposed to draw up plans and speak to Derek Davidson.

  2. All Weather Court – School Recreation, Stephen Brown meeting Tuesday 5/10/04 at 6.30 pm in Tarves School .  Wire fencing and gate are still intact.  Leisure and Recreation want to bring in more sports and activities.

  3. Play Area – The improvements for this had been forgotten and Mr Gabriel will write to apologise.  A fence will be put up and the ground cover will be looked at.

  4. Prop of Ythsie – New Tourist signs are now up.

  5. Housing Project – Colin/Dick met with Ritchie Johnson.  Report to Formartine Area Committee in October bid for £13,000 to bring the project up to full planning design stage.  The Council need to agree in principle for the transfer of the land.  The TCC will become the clients for the design process.  The clause regarding the “right to buy” will be removed as an option.


Committee Reports

  1. Community Safety Meeting 25/8/04 – Keith awaiting minutes.

Roads, Paths and Signs

  1. Braiklay Crossroads – Completed. Landscaping still outstanding.  Sign “Not Suitable for Long Vehicles” in hand (for the Craigdam road).

  2. Corner at Auquorthies – Bill Lennox site visit.

  3. Heritage Centre – Re-surfacing of pavement outside Heritage Centre has been agreed.

  4. Tree Road – Dick and John asked residents how they would feel if the granite kerb stones were removed from the pavement in Tree Road .  The general feeling was to retain these and incorporate them into the proposed new pavement.

Matters Outstanding

  1. Mackie Crescent – A.C. suggested removing old trees in the hope that existing trees would grow in.  It was agreed that new trees should be planted. Bob to contact Bill Lennox

  2. Notice Board(s) – Bob to follow up.

  3. Linda to bring copy of response to smoking in public places consultation.

  4. Enhancement Grant – Needing an idea.  Heritage Centre to apply for enhancement grant.  The seating area next to Old Police Station is a possibility.  Bob asked for the Heritage Group to keep the TCC informed of the amount they would be applying for so that the TCC could apply for the remaining balance.

  5. Out of Hours Medical Services in Grampian and Consultation Process – Linda has received a reply.

  6. Aberdeenshire Community Learning and Development Strategy – Response awaited.

  7. Mark Mitchell, Dialogue Youth Worker – Linda had written and sent an Email to him regarding attending a TCC meeting but has not had a reply.  Will invite again to future meeting.

  8. Old Aberdeen Road Bridge/Prop – Should these be followed up – both would be large projects.  Written input from Aberdeenshire Council bridge expert said unsafe.  With regard to the Prop, the repair to the railings should be the responsibility of the Council.  Paul to inquire with the Heritage Officer. The question of who owns the bridge was also raised.    Colin Miller, Access Officer will be asked to assist with negotiations with land owners as to ownership.  Bob to contact him.

  9. Village Orderly – Subject of a meeting to be held between Paul and Raymond Reid.

Planning Matters

  1. Globe Inn – Subject of retrospective planning application for sign on front, erected sign, sign at Braiklay Ave.and steel container.  

  2. The Old School Site, Barthol Chapel – Plans examined - application for 3 detached houses, drainage details to be requested as none supplied with application.

  3. Maryville Cottage, Haddo Lane – A number of objections have been received from local residents.  Due to the number of objections the plans will need to go to Committee.  Sub Committee concluded not appropriate size/scale for the plot.  May obscure visibility, and drastically reduce access.  TCC will act upon relevant concerns expressed by residents.  Will object on various grounds.

  4. Redmoss Cottage, Oldmeldrum – Currently single storey, being replaced with one and a half. Members expressed concern re. design, scale and prominence/positioning.

  5. 2 Stuart Crescent , Tarves – Conservatory – no concerns.

  6. 23 Bede Way , Tarves – Subcommittee discussed - no concerns.

  7. Ian and Lyn Paterson -letter regarding application/2004/3105. Formal confirmation of application not yet received (not on Weekly list) so unable to comment.

  8. Lismore Cottage, Oldmeldrum – Planning application -correct address now established – no concerns.


  1. Ythan River Fun Day 2/10/04 Ellon Kirk 11 am – 3 pm.

  2. Taking a Stand Awards – Against Anti-Social behaviour.

  3. Aberdeenshire Local Outdoor Access Forum (core path network) Introductory Public Meeting 27/9/04 at 7.30pm Inverurie Town Hall  .  John and Dick to attend.

  4. Formartine Area Bus Forum,   Meldrum  Academy   7.30pm – 9pm , Jim to attend.


  1. Ivy growing between Murray Avenue and Pringle Avenue will be trimmed and is not damaging the trees.

  2. Beautiful Scotland in Bloom – no adverse comments.  Amenity Group will discuss if they should continue to take part in the competition.

  3. Paul raised the issue of recognising individuals in Tarves who give a lot to the Community.  Recognising local achievements and service to the Community.  To discuss at next meeting.

  4. Concern expressed that the system of booking schools for meetings is not working – no access on two occasions recently.


The Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th October 2004 at 7.00pm in Tarves School.  Community Council meetings are always open to the public.


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