Tarves Heritage Project
Tarves Heritage Project aims to tell the story of Tarves and its people.

Wow! Nearly £450 was raised at the concert on Friday night! Thank you to all who contributed, it was a night of fun, entertainment and fundraising. More photos to follow.
We’ve recently been sent some fascinating information about the life of a very courageous lady who was born and brought up in Tarves. Belle Gibb was born in 1878 and was mobilised to France as a nurse on 11th August 1914. On 3rd June 1918, she was mentioned in despatches in the London Gazette as receiving the Associate of the Royal Red Cross (A.R.R.C.) Decoration (2nd Class). The decoration was awarded to army nurses for exceptional services, devotion to duty and professional competence in British military nursing. We’ll tell you more about her life in a later post.
We’ve recently been sent some fascinating information about the life of a very courageous lady who was born and brought up in Tarves. Belle Gibb was born in 1878 and was mobilised to France as a nurse on 11th August 1914. On 3rd June 1918, she was mentioned in despatches in the London Gazette as receiving the Associate of the Royal Red Cross (A.R.R.C.) Decoration (2nd Class). The decoration was awarded to army nurses for exceptional services, devotion to duty and professional competence in British military nursing. We’ll tell you more about her life in a later post.