Tarves School Parent Council

Parent Councils

The Parental Involvement Act made changes to the arrangements for parental representation in all schools. In August 2007 Parent Councils became the representative body for parents.

What do Parent Councils do?

The role of the Parent Council is to:

  • support the school in its work with pupils
  • represent the views of all parents
  • encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, pre-school groups and the wider community
  • report back to all the parents in the school (called the Parent Forum)
  • play a role in the appointment of headteachers and depute headteachers
  • support the school and pupils during school inspections.

In Ideas for Parent Councils, you can get ideas on the type of activities that Parent Councils are getting involved in. Further information on the role of Parent Councils can be found in the guidance on the Parental Involvement Act.

The chair of the School Parent Council is at: Tarves.parentcouncil@tarves.org.uk


Tarves Primary School has a capacity of around 200 pupils.  The roll is around 140.

The catchment for Tarves School is:

Click here for more information on Tarves School.


2014-03-March 12 School

New playground equipment for Tarves School done with the aid of Tarves Parent Council.

Head Teacher:
Adrian Anderson

Primary School (with Nursery Unit)

Tarves School
Duthie Road
AB41 7JX

01651 267445